
Author Topic: Norushen (Boss 3)  (Read 54429 times)

Offline Tagan

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Norushen (Boss 3)
« on: August 20, 2013, 09:00:13 pm »
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 07:21:17 am by Tagan »
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Tagan

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Re: Norushen (Boss 3)
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2013, 08:47:14 am »

2 Tanks and 3 healers.

Start with 75% corruption, corruption determines the damage you can do on the boss.

To remove corruption you have to take a test.
Tank test requires you to tank an add for 1 min, interupting a cast and dodging something.
Healer test requires you to heal adds and dispell them. Also dodge shit.
DPS requires you to kill 5 adds in 1 min, the adds you kill go into the other realm where the rest of the raid is, these need to be killed again. Run over the light orbs that spawn on dead adds to remove corruption.

Watch for Blind hatred, think Halion cutter beam, there is only 1 though.

Need to soak a pool that gives 25 corruption.

We need to work an order out for when people go down.


Cha + Kara.
Iri/Illiath + Atheena (depends who 3rd healer is)
Glordi + Toban
Kotu/Nillin + Tagan
Mink + Khaz.

7 min enrage so after 5 turns we really need to start getting the boss killed.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 09:10:16 am by Tagan »
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Karä

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Re: Norushen (Boss 3)
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2013, 12:48:57 pm »
" and displacer beast through cutter beams as needed to avoid ever being hit"

Found this on a druid blog; might be worth trying Blink next time, Toban.

Offline Irisiri

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Re: Norushen (Boss 3)
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2013, 11:25:42 pm »

I did this on my warrior today on Flex and had no problem with the test, I think the worst I ever got to was ~45% HP.

Cone => Move out of it
Interuptable spell => Interrupt it after 2s (so it wastes some more time)
Burst of Corruption => Shield barrier if rage is available
Piercing Corruption => Shield block (it might not be absorbable but it's a melee attack, with our raidbuffed mastery scores odds are good this will eat 60% of it)

Whether or not I could kill the mob depended entirely on cooldowns being up, I went in first so used them then but I don't think it's worth saving them since it's important to kill adds outside too (and roar is nice for securing aggro on those).

Offline Tagan

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Re: Norushen (Boss 3)
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2013, 11:37:02 am »
Achievement : Defeat the Amalgam of Corruption without allowing any unleashed corruption to fuse with it in Siege of Orgrimmar on Flexible, Normal, or Heroic difficulty.

Not sure this is doable on normal, atleast the way we did it with Iri's flex group, no-one goes inside, means everyone has to soak if needed.
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Tagan

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Re: Norushen (Boss 3)
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2013, 01:03:31 pm »
Heroic Video... be aware this fight has been nerfed since this video was made.

Boss has the exact same abilities just everything hurts more.
Big add now gives you 5 corruption  for each pulse, the orb also gives 5 corruption when it dies, Tanks and healers only will pick the orbs up.
Small adds need to be prioritised due to the buff they give the boss.
2 big adds up at any time is really bad so we send dps/healer, dps/tank, dps/healer, dps/tank, dps/healer, sure we do this anyway but still.
From 50% the boss will spawn an extra big add every 10%.
From 20% no point sending anymore people to remove their corruption.

Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Irisiri

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Re: Norushen (Boss 3)
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2013, 06:56:19 pm »
2 big adds up at any time is really bad so we send dps/healer, dps/tank, dps/healer, dps/tank, dps/healer, sure we do this anyway but still.

I moved to putting all the DPS in one portal for that reason some time ago yes.

Offline Tagan

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Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.