
Author Topic: Iron Juggernaut (Boss 6)  (Read 33025 times)

Offline Tagan

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Iron Juggernaut (Boss 6)
« on: August 20, 2013, 09:01:07 pm »
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 07:22:39 am by Tagan »
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Tagan

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Re: Iron Juggernaut (Boss 6)
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2013, 09:11:30 am »

2 Tanks, 2 or 3 healers.

2 phase fight, Assault phase and Siege Phase.

Assault Phase Lasts 2 mins.

He should be tanked facing away from the raid, nasty frontal cone thing.
Heriosm used at the start of the fight.

Main abilities are.
-Borer Drill, move away from spikes in the ground.
-Laser Burn, targets random person and just needs to be healed through.
-Crawler Mines, standing on mines is bad mkay, move from them. Detonated by a tank.
-Mortar Cannon, targets a raid member and does very high damage when it lands, don't be where it lands. Due to this the raid must be at least 8 yards apart preferably in an arc behind the boss.

Siege Phase Lasts 1 min.

Does not need tanking.
Constant AoE raid damage.
People targeted with Laser Cutter need to run.
Don't kite laser Cutter over Explosive Tar, it hurts the raid.

Fight cycles between these 2 phases until the boss dies.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 09:37:19 am by Tagan »
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Tagan

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Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Tagan

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Re: Iron Juggernaut (Boss 6)
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2013, 11:48:35 am »
Achievement : Stomp on 6 superheated Crawler Mines and then defeat the Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar on Flexible, Normal, or Heroic difficulty.

Need to kite lasers over mines to make them superheated.
We failed at this with Iri's flex group as the lasers didn't seem to coincide with the mines at all.

We need to stack as much as possible as mines will spawn on a  random player making it easier to kite the laser over the mines. So we stack on one side of the boss until the oil is put down, we then run to the other side for knockback and mine spawns, then kite the laser over the mines, I assume the tanks still need to do something with the mines.
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.