
Author Topic: General Nazgrim (Boss 8)  (Read 36089 times)

Offline Tagan

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General Nazgrim (Boss 8)
« on: August 20, 2013, 09:01:54 pm »
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 07:23:14 am by Tagan »
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Tagan

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Re: General Nazgrim (Boss 8)
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2013, 09:12:01 am »

General Nazgrim has a Rage resource, with a maximum capacity of 100. Nazgrim will use a Rage-costing ability every 15 seconds, and he will always choose the most expensive ability he can afford.

These abilities are....

Heroic Shockwave costs 30 Rage. Nazgrim leaps at the location of a random raid member, dealing a large amount of Physical damage to all players within 10 yards, and causing several Aftershocks.

War Song costs 70 Rage. This is a raid-wide damaging attack that causes players to take 50% of their maximum health as Physical damage.

Ravager costs 100 Rage. Nazgrim throws a weapon at the location of a random raid member. The weapon cannot be targeted or attacked, and it will continue to spin in place at that location until the end of the fight.

This fight has a lot of adds.

Kor'kron Ironblades have to be killed by ranged DPS players whenever they are casting Ironstorm . Moreover, you should be prepared that this add will heal itself when it reaches 50% health. These adds need to be tanked.

Kor'kron Assassins have to be stunned and killed as quickly as possible, because they can easily kill raid members through Backstab. It is ideal if the Hunters in your raid can maintain Flare Icon Flares up so that your raid can see the Assassins in Stealth Icon Stealth. After that, anyone who is fixated on (through Assassin's Mark Icon Assassin's Mark) by the Assassins must make sure to face them. These adds need to be tanked when they are not fixated on random players.

Kor'kron Arcweavers must be interrupted as much as possible. Specifically, they must never be allowed to cast Magistrike.

Kor'kron Warshamans must also be interrupted as much as possible. They must not be allowed to cast Empowered Chain Heal, their Earth Shield must be dispelled quickly from the target it is cast on it, and Healing Tide Totems must be killed right away.

Kill priority.
Kor'kron Warshamans;
Kor'kron Arcweavers;
Kor'kron Assassins;
Kor'kron Ironblades

Heroism should either be used at the start of the fight or when the boss is in Berserker Stance as he takes 25% extra damage.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 07:57:38 am by Tagan »
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Tagan

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Re: General Nazgrim (Boss 8)
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2013, 10:28:22 pm »
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Karä

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Re: General Nazgrim (Boss 8)
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2013, 07:00:40 am »
Few notes from that healer blog:

-The single most common source of wiping in this fight is from players attacking Nazgrim during Defensive Stance. This will very quickly lead to uncontrollable Rage gains and a room full of Ravagers.

-Both Arcane Shock and Magistrike are interruptible, and keeping interrupts on the Arcweaver will significantly reduce the amount of random spike damage your raid takes.

-If the Assassin gets behind its target, he will Backstab, dealing near-fatal Physical damage to the player. The Assassins can be controlled by a variety of crowd-control methods, and can be kited.

-the Warshaman will occasionally – if allowed to live long enough – cast Earth Shield upon its most injured ally. When the Earth Shielded enemy takes any damage, Earth Shield will restore 5% of its health. This can – and should – be dispelled immediately.
I know Tagan mentioned this but... Just don't forget :)

Offline Tagan

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Re: General Nazgrim (Boss 8)
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2013, 11:51:07 am »
Achievement: Defeat General Nazgrim while Gamon is alive and participating in the battle in Siege of Orgrimmar on Flexible, Normal, or Heroic difficulty.

Don't let Gamon die, sure we all have this anyway.
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.