
Author Topic: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)  (Read 92246 times)

Offline Tagan

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« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 07:24:02 am by Tagan »
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Tagan

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Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Tagan

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Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Tagan

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2013, 11:16:32 am »
Phase One Abilities

Fearsome Roar is a frontal cone attack that applies a stacking debuff on affected players, causing them to take 25% more damage for each stack. This ability requires a tank switch, suggested number of stacks to switch on is 4 or 5.

Tail Lash is a tail attack that Thok casts, which deals a high amount of Physical damage to players located behind him, stunning them for 2 seconds.

Shock Blast regularly deals a high amount of Nature damage to random raid members.

Deafening Screech is a raid-wide damaging ability that Thok regularly uses. He uses this ability increasingly often as Phase One goes on, and the time of the next cast is indicated by Thok's increasing energy resource (which does not serve any other purpose in the fight). In addition to dealing a very high amount of Physical damage, this ability also interrupts player spellcasting.

Bloodied is a debuff that players receive when they drop below 50% health. The debuff has no effects whatsoever, but when a minimum number of raid members (5 in 10-man and 15 in 25-man) with the Bloodied debuff are within 10 yards of one another, Thok will enter Phase Two.

Variable Phase One Abilities
Each of the three instances of Phase One following the very first one will have slightly different abilities, depending on which NPC your raid frees during the preceding Phase Two. Specifically, Thok's Fearsome Roar and Shock Blast abilities will be replaced.

If your raid frees Akolik, the following happens.
Acid Breath replaces Fearsome Roar. Acid Breath is also a frontal cone attack, but it deals Nature damage instead of Shadow damage. It applies a stacking debuff on affected players, reducing their armor by 20% per stack.
Corrosive Blood replaces Shock Blast. Corrosive Blood deals Nature damage to random raid members, placing a 30-second DoT on them.

If your raid frees Waterspeaker Gorai, the following happens.
Freezing Breath replaces Fearsome Roar. Freezing Breath is also a frontal cone attack, but it deals Frost damage instead of Shadow damage. It applies a stacking debuff on affected players. At 5 stacks, the players become frozen in a tomb of ice, and raid members must destroy the tomb to free them. Being trapped in the tomb deals 5% of that player's health in damage every 2 seconds.
Icy Blood replaces Shock Blast. Icy Blood deals Frost damage to random raid members, placing a 15-second DoT on them. If players reach 5 stacks of the DoT (by being targeted 5 times before the DoT has a chance to wear off), they become frozen in a tomb of ice, and the tomb must be destroyed for them to be freed. Being trapped in the tomb deals 5% of that player's maximum health in damage every 2 seconds.

If your raid frees Warmaster Montak, the following happens.
Scorching Breath replaces Fearsome Roar. Scorching Breath is also a frontal cone attack, but it deals Fire damage instead of Shadow damage. It applies a stacking DoT on affected players, causing them to take a moderate amount of Fire damage per stack.
Burning Blood replaces Shock Blast . Burning Blood deals Fire damage to random raid members, placing a fiery void zone at their location.

Phase Two

Phase Two starts whenever the minimum required number of raid members affected by the Bloodied debuff are stacked together, and lasts until your raid frees an NPC and Thok kills them.


During this phase, Thok has two abilities. He will Fixate on random raid members, walking towards them. Throughout the phase, Thok is affected by Blood Frenzy, which causes him to deal lethal damage to any players who are in a short cone in front of him.

Thok remains fixated on the same player for 12 seconds, after which time he will change target. Throughout the phase, Thok's movement speed increases, such that after a while it becomes impossible to out-run him.

As soon as the phase starts, an add called a Kor'kron Jailer enters the room. This add has no real abilities to speak of (he has a standard temporary enrage effect that makes his melee attacks somewhat more dangerous), and upon his death, he drops a key. This key can be used to unlock one of the three cages found in the room, which are holding the three friendly NPCs that we have mentioned above. The player who loots the key is free to unlock any cage they choose. As soon as a cage has been opened, the NPC who was inside will perform a short role-playing segment after which time they will be devoured by Thok (who stops chasing his Fixate target), and Phase One starts immediately after that.

Fatboss suggest freeing Waterspeaker Gorai first, then Akolik and finally Warmaster Montak.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 07:40:19 am by Tagan »
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Karä

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2013, 12:51:37 pm »
So I had a chance to try this boss with We Pew For Whisky and we actually managed to kill it in 3 hours. Tactic was exactly the same as Fatboss. They ended up with no one doing more than 180k DPS so I think we'll be fine for this one. They were heavy ranged so they couldn't do a lot in the end of P1. Prolonging phase 1 will help us a lot, I'm just not sure how long we can keep P1 going. It favors resto druids but not really pallies and discs I think.

Point of failure: too spread in the THIRD kite phase. People were just not good enough at staying within healer range. Need to put down markers and people should be aware of where the healers are. 1 healer should follow the kiter.

I can soothe the Jailor and Khaz can tranq shot him, but we ended up not doing this since tanks can build more vengeance. So up to you guys what you wanna do.

For Greaver: I was curious how disc priest handled phase one and I think the best tactic is: PoH -> Spirit Shell at first. When the Dread Screech happens too frequently, use Divine Star. Time it so it heals the group on the way out (after one Screech), and again (after the next Screech) on it's way back. After that you could pop Barrier, then blanket the raid in shields after that. Screeches will happen about every 1,5 sec or so. Which is why Toban will do fuck all in this phase.

They 2 tanked it - if we decide to 1 tank it, can I still have a HoP or will Chalace need it? I really need it to survive the last P1 so I can Tranq. (we'll be spread out so it hurts)

One last thing, the third Jailor - don't tank him all the way to the side where the gate is. It'll be too far away from the rest of the raid and healers.

Offline Chalace

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2013, 01:08:15 pm »
Without trying i don't know for sure but it seems a standard phase turnaround 1 tank is fine, however if you start extending 1 phase or another the stacks will get "too high" but it's magic damage so doesn't worry me tbh.
So unless we want to try something funky HoP is not needed; if it even works on the debuff.

Need to get back to studying but can check some other bits before Sunday.

Offline Tagan

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2013, 11:34:35 am »
Do we want to try 1 tanking this then?
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Glordi

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2013, 06:07:38 pm »
Don't see why we can't give it a try tbh.

Offline Chalace

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2013, 06:38:32 pm »
1 tanking is perfectly viable for me at least, assuming the transitions go as normal. If you start extending p1 the added de-buffs get too high.
From what i remember we were getting to 4 or 5 de-buffs in p1 last night? 2 on Glordi then 2-3 on me, yet all the videos i just watched shows 3 total; is this something you intentionally did or?
I also don't see anyone else getting the aoe spam we were at the end of p1 each time either. Obviously the order varies but its pretty much a standard kill.
Nothing else to say really the mechanics are pretty straight forward, only addition is the 3seconds of ranged dps needed to break the ice block once.

If we should try it or not, i don't mind; as i said last night if we need the dps its a quick easy solution. But if we don't then is it worth the time to change things?
I don't recall the tank numbers been that low (130k+80k comes to mind) so we would in theory only be gaining maybe 50k i don't actually know what Glordi does as dps.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 06:41:30 pm by Chalace »

Offline Glordi

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2013, 07:53:24 pm »
Our biggest issue is raid set up. We have a lot more melee than most raid groups, think that's why they are pushing for  a longer P1, to optimise melee dps. I was going to offer taking my hunter as dps over glordi for the kill if we were going to try and 1 tank it. She on roughly 170-200k dps. But that's was just if we needed the dps and maybe an extra range. Otherwise i'm easy to try whatever people feel like trying. Tanking, my dps was around the 110k mark at the end off every wipe I think.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 07:54:09 pm by Glordi »

Offline Tagan

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2013, 08:22:56 pm »
If we go down the 1 tank route then it may well be worth it, Hunters are meant to be the best on that fight as they can do pretty much full dps in both phases.
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Chalace

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2013, 10:47:44 pm »
Just to clarify, if we do want to try the 1 tank way then we need to normalize the phase durations.

At this point I'm not really seeing a huge benefit, as we were close last night.

Offline Tagan

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2013, 07:00:17 am »
With 4 melee we are going to have dps issues if we shorten P1's, the melee can do very little damage during P2. If we go to 1 tank and bring in Glordi's hunter and drop to 3 melee it maybe worth shortening P1 but otherwise I think it may cause more issues than it solves.
Sub is crap, and those saying it should do more damage as it's complex, please explain Combat's cleave/AoE damage, clicking 1 button is hard.

Offline Greaver

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2013, 09:10:54 am »
So I had a chance to try this boss with We Pew For Whisky and we actually managed to kill it in 3 hours. Tactic was exactly the same as Fatboss. They ended up with no one doing more than 180k DPS so I think we'll be fine for this one. They were heavy ranged so they couldn't do a lot in the end of P1. Prolonging phase 1 will help us a lot, I'm just not sure how long we can keep P1 going. It favors resto druids but not really pallies and discs I think.

Point of failure: too spread in the THIRD kite phase. People were just not good enough at staying within healer range. Need to put down markers and people should be aware of where the healers are. 1 healer should follow the kiter.

I can soothe the Jailor and Khaz can tranq shot him, but we ended up not doing this since tanks can build more vengeance. So up to you guys what you wanna do.

For Greaver: I was curious how disc priest handled phase one and I think the best tactic is: PoH -> Spirit Shell at first. When the Dread Screech happens too frequently, use Divine Star. Time it so it heals the group on the way out (after one Screech), and again (after the next Screech) on it's way back. After that you could pop Barrier, then blanket the raid in shields after that. Screeches will happen about every 1,5 sec or so. Which is why Toban will do fuck all in this phase.

They 2 tanked it - if we decide to 1 tank it, can I still have a HoP or will Chalace need it? I really need it to survive the last P1 so I can Tranq. (we'll be spread out so it hurts)

One last thing, the third Jailor - don't tank him all the way to the side where the gate is. It'll be too far away from the rest of the raid and healers.

I have not tried disc yet, I have been holy the past few weeks as my gear can now cater for the stupid mana consumption of the spec and it looks better on the healing meters vs disc :) but i give disc a try with star when we are back at Thok, i was running out under my shielding speed boost and hitting halo to give max range heals (350 - 400k per raid member)

Offline Karä

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Re: Thok the Bloodthirsty (Boss 11)
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2013, 12:10:26 pm »
Apparently Scrubbusters stacked up on the fire phase. Think we should give it a go with Barrier and burn the boss. And Smoke Bomb and Demo Banner. See how it goes.

I'm thinking:

P1: Devo Aura + HoP + Tranq
P2: Barrier + Smoke Bomb + Demo Banner
P3: Devo Aura + HoP + Tranq
P4: Barrier + Smoke Bomb + Demo Banner